Monday, March 14, 2011

My Vegan Journey - the Begining

Today is 30 days sine I stopped eating animal products, eggs, diary, basically anything that comes from animals. I needed a challenge. On February 14, 2011 I decided to give it a try and see if i could be vegan. I quit "cold turkey" or, as I heard them say "cold tofu"... and I like it! I have my moments of weakness when I think I would love to have a big, juicy ham slice with my breakfast, or a turkey sandwich, but I haven't given up, I have been vegan for 30 days and I am going for more, one month at the time... It definitely gets easier and easier. In the moments of weakness I read a story or two from Kathy Freston book "Veganist" or browse through vegan blogs or books in search of inspiration. My vegan cookbook library is growing rapidly, so many amazing recipes and ideas. It's so much more challenging, so much more fun in the kitchen. And my weakness - baking - who needs eggs to make cupcakes? Heavy cream? Why? Use coconut milk... It taste better and definitely a healthier alternative for deserts.

So as I am starting this Vegan Journey, this blog will be my recipe book. I will no longer be posting anything that has meat, cheese, milk or eggs on it. Only vegan recipes :) But please don't be discouraged to check it out once on a while. Just a few months ago, I would never imagine myself not eating meat (believe me! I am 100% polish, all we eat is MEAT!!!) but by exploring the subject, and reading a lot of vegan literature I decided to make the switch. Trying vegan recipes one at the time made me realize that you don't really miss much by eliminating meat and diary from your diet. After one month of being vegan, I noticed small changes in my life. I lost few pounds, I feel better, and I am much more happy. I am so much more concise of what I eat. And I feel great about my small contribution to the world :).

By the way - vegan desserts are awesome! Even if you're not a vegan I encourage you to try vegan baking. My favorite vegan baking books: Isa Chandra Moskovitz & Terry Hope Romero - "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World" and "Vegan Cookies Invade your Cookie Jar", also "The Joy of Vegan Baking" by Colleen Patrick Gourdeau.

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